5 Ways To Share Your Books

5 Ways To Share Your Books Whether you’re an avid reader or a dedicated writer, many of us book lovers have, at some point, found ourselves with an overabundance of books. As a reader, maybe you just want to prune your shelves a bit to make them more manageable. Or you realized that book with […]
Valentine’s Gifts for Readers and Writers

Valentine’s Day. A time for hearts and touching gifts. And sheer panic when you have no idea what to get the reader or writer in your life. Books? Pens? Journals? But they already have so many of those. And you need not only a gift, but a thoughtful gift. One that shows how much you […]
Teachers Who Inspired Me To Be A Writer

It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge. Albert Einstein I have been blessed with a number of amazing teachers throughout my life, from elementary through grad school. These teachers invested in me early on, stuck with me during difficult periods, and saw potential in me before […]
When I First Realized I Could Be An Author

When I was fourteen or fifteen, I read Eragon by Christopher Paolini for the first time. While I loved the story and was enthralled with all things dragon for a while, it wasn’t until Eldest came out that I realized that Paolini was being hailed as a prodigy. A homeschool graduate, he’d finished his education […]
What Makes a Book a Best-Seller?

Since I published The Gravedigger’s Guild, I’ve had a lot of people ask how sales are doing and (good-naturedly) rib me about when they can expect to see me become a best-selling author. I thought it would be interesting to share what it means to be a best-seller. First, there are two major distinctions among […]