Struggling First Time Author?

Tired of self-publishing guides that only focus on having a backlist or rapid-releasing a series? This is the publishing guide you need if you want to get one book into the world before you move onto the next book.

The good news is that even without a good guide, as a first time author I was able to publish my standalone book- albeit with a few fumbles. Now, I want to make your author journey a little easier.

Just fill out the form below to download your FREE publishing checklist!

All the things I wish I knew before I started on my first book

Creating a book plan

Beyond the book idea, this step will guide every decision of your publishing journey.

Crafting a platform

No sleazy sales tactics here. Your platform will focus on connecting with your readers in a way that's true to you.

Prepping your manuscript

Have you heard of the "production stage"? Neither had I, but I'll walk you through the essentials.

Publishing your book

Editing. Design. Distribution. The "publishing" part of publishing your book in one tidy spot.

Who Is This Guide For?

If you are an author who has decided to self-publish and you to want approach your journey thoughtfully and be able to anticipate most major expenses, this checklist will provide an organized approach for you to design your journey. For most debut indie authors, this checklist will be a valuable starting point.

This checklist will give you the “lay of the land.” It is a broad overview of the steps that go into getting your book to market, regardless of whether you choose to publish exclusive to Amazon or go wide.

Included in this guide is a bonus list of resources so you can dive deep into topics that you want to explore more.

Ready to get started?