Free Reads!
Looking for your bonus content? You can find it below- and then some!
Feel free to grab as many of these freebies as you want. I made them just to sweeten your day 😉
Midnight Bluff Bonus Content

Bonus For: Nuts About You
To pull off the perfect Christmas gift for Cress, Jake will have to embrace the spirit of the season and accept the help of his neighbors.

Bonus For: Taken For Granted
Ellie just wants to surprise Grant with some sweet news but hits a bump in the road with the unexpected arrival of her in-laws.

Bonus For: Piece Of Cake
Willow knows it's too soon to be dating- not when her cash register is still as empty as her heart. But when the handsome new fire chief asks her out, she can't resist just a little taste.

Bonus For: High Horse
When a storm arrives- along with unexpected guests- Vada struggles to keep their idyllic weekend in the woods with friends from going off the rails.
Recipes From The Books!

Bonus For: The Gravedigger's Guild
The fictional ladies of the Chapel of the Cross know that in good times and bad, food brings us together and heals a multitude of wounds. From dainty cucumber sandwiches to hearty lasagnas, these recipes will tickle your heart and inspire your next potluck.

Bonus For: Piece Of Cake
Fifteen of Willow's best recipes from Piece Of Cake, from her famous blueberry muffins to that delectable coconut cake, perfect for you to enjoy at home!
For Writers
Some of my best materials to help you on your writing journey!

Debut Author Publishing Checklist
Tired of self-publishing guides that only focus on having a backlist or rapid-releasing a series? This is the publishing guide you need if you want to get that first book into the world.

Fiction Writer's Ultimate Revision Workbook & Checklist
This easy pick-and-choose workbook will make revisions a snap for any writer.

5 Fast Writing Block Busters
Breaking through burnout to get you back to the page!