Starting A Reading Routine

A couple of times a year, I try to reset my reading routine. It’s like a deep clean for my daily habits. I love reading, but it’s so easy to find other things to do (and shows to binge.) But there are a few helpful tips that I use to get things going. Whether you’ve […]
How To Request Books From Your Library

Did you know that it is easy to request your favorite books and authors at your local library? This is great news for bookworms everywhere. Librarians curate their collections and services according to their community’s needs. Have you ever wondered why some libraries have huge romance collections while others have tons of sci-fi or even genealogical […]
5 Ways To Share Your Books

5 Ways To Share Your Books Whether you’re an avid reader or a dedicated writer, many of us book lovers have, at some point, found ourselves with an overabundance of books. As a reader, maybe you just want to prune your shelves a bit to make them more manageable. Or you realized that book with […]
Valentine’s Gifts for Readers and Writers

Valentine’s Day. A time for hearts and touching gifts. And sheer panic when you have no idea what to get the reader or writer in your life. Books? Pens? Journals? But they already have so many of those. And you need not only a gift, but a thoughtful gift. One that shows how much you […]
Twenty-Two Southern Books for 2022

This post began as “Five Southern Books to Start the New Year With.” But the wonderful thing about Southern literature is the breadth of variety we have. Simply, there were too many good books for me to choose from. About This List: Where possible, I gave preference first to our many wonderful diverse writers. Second, […]